Monday, June 11, 2007

skydive trip 2007

Ok I know Amanda is again going to make fun of me because the two words that describe me...KENYA AND SKYDIVING... but really it is a blast!!! I think that skydiving is the one thing every person in their life must try at least once! yes it is a little expensive but hey when else are you going to get the chance to throw yourself out of an airplane and fall to the ground at 120 mph? I went for my second jump and holy cow I didn't think it was possible but I liked it more than the first jump...I was a little bummed out when Cody was able to do flips and stuff out of the airplane even though it was his first jump (and it being my second my guy didn't do anything cool...)but it was still SO awesome! My next jump I can get certified to go by myself- that kinda freaks me out but at the same time it'll be so much cheaper once I am certified and have my own gear...(between $20-40 not $160-180...) so if any of you are wanting to go skydiving let me know because I'm always game to go! (oh this time my friend Chucky's chute kinda malfunctioned but the people are so professional and whatnot that they got it worked out and didn't even have to use the reserve chute- so its totally safe- you are more likely to die on the drive up there than you are when you jump out!) oh and another thing you are attached to someone and they are going to do everything in their power to survive so you are pretty much 100% safe!

Friday, June 1, 2007

good books?

Now I know Amanda is most likely going to make fun of me and tell me to stop reading Harry Potter books- but for crying out loud I only have one more book to go I might as well read it- however in the mean time I am going CRAZY! with boredom please help me and let me know what some good books are for me to read- all I have read in the past year have been flippin text books about biology or chemistry and I'm sick of it! let me know if anyone knows of any good books to read!