I know it is a few days late...but at least I actually got mine up...unlike some people...well HAPPY BIRTHDAY MRS AMANDA JANE ALBRECHT RUSSELL!!! I know i didn't get you cotton candy for your birthday like the girlies thought but I did remember your birthday!
the top 24 reasons i love my big sis (not in order)
* she is my best friend
* she can make any bad day sound like the funniest day of your life
* she puts up with everyones crap (everyone goes to the oldest sister for advice)
* she is the cutest/best mommmy!
* she always had some new club that i was never invited in...but always wanted to join (club amanda)
* Amanda Albrecht and the Nasty Teddy Bears
* the magician phase
* the jazz bear phase
* the movie making phase
* the Kwin dented my shin story
* Pepperoni and Tanner
* Flip Flops always even in snow
* Best Wardrobe
* Getting in strangers pictures
* she is the only one i know who has licked the statue of liberty and in return been licked on the subway
* her willingness to always help with anyones homework or schooling in anyway possible
* her cooking!
* Her candy creations (the only bad one was valentines day about 3 years ago...poor gavin...)
* her amazing tolerance level!
* she is an amazing writer!
* she always is there to make anyone happy
* she always has the right advice
* she is my hero
* she is the coolest big sis anyone could ever ask for! and too bad for all of you cuz she is MINE!