Thursday, December 2, 2010
i don't know what to do with curls...
My little girl has such curly hair...and having stick straight hair i don't know what to do with it- so usually she looks like a little monster with her hair sticking up everywhere sporting a very nice mohawk!

So since Nov 12th a lot of things have changed, after going to the hospital 4 times, they finally let me have the baby! I had a horrible experience with the hospital nurses and the Dr they assigned to Zoe was an idiot. But besides that it wasn't my last time at the hospital for the Lueras! My dad couldn't wait to see the baby until December so he and my mom surprised us and drove down to see us in the hospital! My dad left my mom down in Sin City to help out for a little while (little did she know that it was going to be weeks that she stayed to help us out...and SO THANKFUL for that!) So because I had gallstones the Dr's had to recheck my levels before letting me leave the hospital- I asked one of them finally because they said my levels were high (not knowing what my levels were or what normal was) what they were (and because uncle mitch wanted to know to make sure I was ok) apparently normal is in the 50s...mine 430! and another was in the 180s...after I had little Z they were in the 80s so at least I was able to go home before I had to go back...So a week later back to the hospital for our same day surgery we went- I was worried about it, having just had a baby you start to think the worst! I went into surgery telling one of the two Teng brothers (both the Dr and the Aneisteiologest were named Dr Teng) that I was sorry if I said anything too stupid, that I might just keep talking and talking (Amanda said something similar to Uncle Mitch) well I fell asleep shortly after and woke up with a tube down my throat I started coughing thinking why in the Hell is this down my throat don't they know I'm alive?!?! they removed it shortly after i started gagging and all I hear is the Dr say she is getting admitted until 2300 having it be 830 at night when it all started I was thinking ok thats just for the observations then I'll be home with my baby! shortly after Derrick comes in and says so did the dr talk to you? I said he said I was getting admitted and everyone keeps telling me its because of the stones- but didn't I just have surgery to get rid of them? Derrick pulls out X-rays and pictures and goes you have to have another surgery tomorrow. See this is your gallbladder its full of stones- see this? its your GI track, you have gallstones stuck in there so they have to go in and clean them all out. GREAT! another night at the hospital and my baby was at home with my mom...I had been given 10 different IV's in the last two weeks and I was sick of them and the hospitals! Well I wasn't able to eat anything before the first surgery and where they didn't know when the second one would be I wasn't allowed to eat anything after it- I was allowed to drink water for 30 mins and then nothing...I wanted to scream I just wanted to drink some Damn water! haha oh well- the next morning another Dr showed up he was going to do the 2nd surgery and wanted it done by noon. So down we go to the operating rooms again- this time I was determined to be home by 4 at the latest! haha yeah right! at least we made it home by ten! As I was getting put under I hear the Dr doing the procedure freaking out at an operating room tech and was dropping the Mother F'ing bomb like noones business- I almost told the guy putting me out that I wanted a different Dr because this guy couldn't control himself! But I was already on my way out and didn't hear anything else...I woke up this time with NO tube down my throat and apparently this time no stones or fragments of stones! I was free at last to recover and then get home!!! I am like my sister a little too much...but apparently this time I thought I needed to one up her and spend an extra night and surgery in the hospital! NEVER AGAIN!! anyway...more pictures of the baby will be up soon!
Friday, November 19, 2010
baby ZOË
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My sister Amanda
So ever since I was little I wanted to be just like my sister Amanda Panda Bear. She was funny, she wanted to be the Jazz Bear, She always had the coolest clothes/hair, the best friends, and well I wrote a book about her in 5th grade after we did a really cool dance to the song Celopatra Comin' Attcha. This past week of pregnancy Derrick has found it scary how much I am now like my sister. After 3 hospital visits, mulitple IV's of anitbiotics/ Zofran (my best friend!) they find out that I do not have Kidney Failure or any sort of Kidney infection. I have the Amanda disease of Gal Stones. Amanda found out about hers when she was pregnant with Baby A. And I find out about mine when I'm pregnant with Baby Z. Yup...we are too much alike my sister and I. We are the only people in our family to be pregnant at the same time, My Aunt Cid and my mom never were, and I secretly think that our babies have some evil plan going on to keep us together in ways we don't really want the other to ever have to go through! Hopefully I'll be able to have my baby girl any day now- and then off to surgery for me. At least now I have a reason to be in this mysterious pain and now the Dr's can tell I'm not just "making up the pain" or "trying to get attention". So Amanda you are correct- I did have gal stones...not kidney ones...too bad I can't do anything until baby Z is here though!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
i love halloweenie
This was the first year we have carved pumpkins as a family, Derrick picked them all out, and Jacob (his little brother) lives with us on weekends-and he had NEVER carved pumpkins so he got one as well... Derricks is the Biggest Orange one (because he is the Dad) Jacob is the small orange one (because he is little Derrick) Mine is the white one (because I am white) and Zoë's is the striped orange and white one (because she is half and half)
lollipop cupcakes
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
best day ever!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
So I was home alone yesterday scrubbing carpets when I saw my high chairs sitting up against the counter...and I got this picture in my with my little girl decorating cookies like I did with my mom (well up until I moved out and Ruby and Scarlett took over...) I dug out my cook books and found my moms sugar cookie recipe and went to work, I had trouble with the recipe so I had to call the expert and get help! The whole time I was making them I was smiling! I can't wait until my little girl is big enough to stand on a chair and help me cut out and frost cookies, it is a small little thing, but it is something I am THRILLED about doing! I was always....ok still am my mom's third thigh- and I hope to have the same relationship with my daughter as I do with my mom! So here are some pictures minus my little girl in tow of our cookies we made for Daddy Derrick! I hope that I am able to pass onto my daughter all of the wonderful traits my mom has passed onto me! Even if it celebrating silly holidays such as Jack Frost and Ned the Elf! I know Derrick won't understand the crazy little things like that, but its good to know my mom has given me a little bit of her holiday crazy traditions- Layered Jello must be at Thanksgiving, Valentines Day needs sugar cookies, birthday's must have a homemade cake, and Halloween is to be celebrated to its fullest extent EVERY year! Thank you mom for passing these onto me! I cannot wait to do all of this with my daughter and show her how awesome it is to enjoy the small things in licking the frosting off of a spoon!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
1st "high risk" dr's appointment over
So today we got done with our first appointment with the "high risk" specialist. Everything went well on the ultrasound, the ultrasound tech said that the cervix was find and the correct length (the dr verified this with us as well). We have to go back in two weeks in order to double check everything. He did say that there was some excess fluid and that might mean diabetes (I get tested on the 10th for that) and the same day go back to the "high risk" dr. I say "high risk" in "quotes" because I don't like to think of my pregnancy being "risky" and it just makes me feel better putting it in quotes. Derrick did notice on the form though that they also were checking for clubbed feet on our little girl (no dr has even mentioned this to us- the one today didn't say anything or our normal ob) it is a little frustrating that this might be a risk for our little girl and we aren't being told by our dr's if it is a possibility we want to know so that we can prepare for it! We want to be educated parents and we don't want to seem like we are crazy- but we do want to know that if there is a possibility of her having to have major surgery (or casts) right after she is born that we have the right to know this and be aware. Anyway, that is my ranting on going to the dr's yet again! at least two more visits with the "high risk"-ness!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
perinatology is a scary word
this week has been quite the roller coaster of a week. We went to the dr 2 weeks ago to find out the gender of the baby (yes we went to a 4d ultrasound clinic to find out before the dr's office visit)it is 100% a girl! they ended up doing duel ultrasounds one on the tummy and an internal one. after meeting with the Dr he said I needed to come back the following week for another ultrasound because i was on the high end of having a cervix that was short. he said not to worry that it was just a precaution. thursday came around i went back to the dr and the same results came back that i was at the high end, i got the impression from the tech that everything was fine, that i'd just go on normally and that they would just have to check from time to time because it hadn't gotten shorter- well...apparently the dr had different plans, i got a call on friday while at work saying i needed to call the dr's office as soon as possible. I called and they are now sending me to a "high risk" pregnancy dr on tuesday because they are the only ones that can get me in before the end of august. so from being in a normal pregnancy to a questionable to a good to now "high risk" this has been quite the crazy week! just pray i don't have to go on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy- because then i don't get maternity leave! lots of anxiety from now until tuesday!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
the road to home away from home
Five years ago today I was able to have the experience of a lifetime...well not just was 21 days worth of it! My sister Amanda used to say two words describe me...Skydiving and Kenya...and since I wasn't quite 18 five years ago it would have to be the second...
I don't know why I am telling whoever reads this blog about Kenya five years after the fact, I think it is because I don't want to forget about it myself- I said that I would be back within two years...and five years have passed and I still have not made my return.
When I was a sophomore in High School I was determined to be a foreign exchange student, I found a program through Rotary International (thanks to the help from my dad) I was going to go to New Zealand for 16 weeks during the summer. I had all of my paper work in and all I was waiting for was the approval in New Zealand to find my host family. A couple of weeks before I was to find out about my host family my dad received a call from the head people in Salt Lake telling me that they had forgotten to submit my paper work and that I wouldn't be able to be a foreign exchange student anymore...I was crushed.
My dad being the amazing guy that he is found a different program for me to travel with during the summer through Rotary International. I was going to go to Peru with YouthLINC a group from Salt Lake that does humanitarian projects around the world, but first it starts in your local area where you have to log a specific amount of service hours half of which have to be in one place. I was so excited to go to Peru, I had only been out of the country once and it was with my family to Mexico. It was November of my Junior year of high school, I already had a scholarship to go to Peru to help pay for the costs, when my dad (the youth rep for Rotary) got a call saying that I had been approved for Peru, however the program was full and that I was the one getting bumped. They did have a solution- there was an opening for the Kenya group, there were more service hours and the planning had already been going on for months. YouthLINC told my dad that he needed to speak to the girls parents and see if it would be ok that she went to Kenya instead of Peru. My dad goes oh I don't think that would be a problem. She accepts. They didn't want to take his word for it until he said he was the parent and that she would go to Kenya instead of Peru.
I got a call from my dad at school. He goes you aren't going to Peru anymore. I was about to object and get upset when he quickly followed with, You are now going to Kenya in July. Your first meeting with the Kenya group is on Saturday. I was thrilled! I couldn't believe it! I was actually going to be getting in a group to travel for the summer!
The next couple of months, things were all about Kenya- I had meetings, school, volunteer hours (most of which were with my Uncle Vince), shots- allergic reactions, and packing for Kenya. Before I knew it I was about to start the summer before my Senior Year. (the summer I was only home 2 weeks)
I don't know why I am telling whoever reads this blog about Kenya five years after the fact, I think it is because I don't want to forget about it myself- I said that I would be back within two years...and five years have passed and I still have not made my return.
When I was a sophomore in High School I was determined to be a foreign exchange student, I found a program through Rotary International (thanks to the help from my dad) I was going to go to New Zealand for 16 weeks during the summer. I had all of my paper work in and all I was waiting for was the approval in New Zealand to find my host family. A couple of weeks before I was to find out about my host family my dad received a call from the head people in Salt Lake telling me that they had forgotten to submit my paper work and that I wouldn't be able to be a foreign exchange student anymore...I was crushed.
My dad being the amazing guy that he is found a different program for me to travel with during the summer through Rotary International. I was going to go to Peru with YouthLINC a group from Salt Lake that does humanitarian projects around the world, but first it starts in your local area where you have to log a specific amount of service hours half of which have to be in one place. I was so excited to go to Peru, I had only been out of the country once and it was with my family to Mexico. It was November of my Junior year of high school, I already had a scholarship to go to Peru to help pay for the costs, when my dad (the youth rep for Rotary) got a call saying that I had been approved for Peru, however the program was full and that I was the one getting bumped. They did have a solution- there was an opening for the Kenya group, there were more service hours and the planning had already been going on for months. YouthLINC told my dad that he needed to speak to the girls parents and see if it would be ok that she went to Kenya instead of Peru. My dad goes oh I don't think that would be a problem. She accepts. They didn't want to take his word for it until he said he was the parent and that she would go to Kenya instead of Peru.
I got a call from my dad at school. He goes you aren't going to Peru anymore. I was about to object and get upset when he quickly followed with, You are now going to Kenya in July. Your first meeting with the Kenya group is on Saturday. I was thrilled! I couldn't believe it! I was actually going to be getting in a group to travel for the summer!
The next couple of months, things were all about Kenya- I had meetings, school, volunteer hours (most of which were with my Uncle Vince), shots- allergic reactions, and packing for Kenya. Before I knew it I was about to start the summer before my Senior Year. (the summer I was only home 2 weeks)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Barbie Kennedy
So today is my favorite person in the whole worlds birthday!
She goes by many names...
Barbie Kennedy
Amanda Jane
Amanda Albrecht and the nasty teddy bears
President of Club Amanda
Amanda Panda Bear
the bear in Annie's Bears bows
so even though I was never allowed a membership into Club Amanda I guess I still can forgive her and wish her a Happy Birthday!
My favorite sister is moving across the universe tomorrow...I don't know how I feel about this! ok I KNOW how I feel about this- but I was the first one to move away so I guess I'll just have to save up so I can visit one of the best Zoo's in the world!
I love you Amanda- I hope you have had a wonderful birthday! You are going to have such an adventure in Omaha- and you better not forget about your first Niece! remember she and Adam are best buds already!
love you!
-little sister Annie
She goes by many names...
Barbie Kennedy
Amanda Jane
Amanda Albrecht and the nasty teddy bears
President of Club Amanda
Amanda Panda Bear
the bear in Annie's Bears bows
so even though I was never allowed a membership into Club Amanda I guess I still can forgive her and wish her a Happy Birthday!
My favorite sister is moving across the universe tomorrow...I don't know how I feel about this! ok I KNOW how I feel about this- but I was the first one to move away so I guess I'll just have to save up so I can visit one of the best Zoo's in the world!
I love you Amanda- I hope you have had a wonderful birthday! You are going to have such an adventure in Omaha- and you better not forget about your first Niece! remember she and Adam are best buds already!
love you!
-little sister Annie
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Baby Girlie
So we found out that we have a very stubborn baby girl growing! We weren't suppose to find out for another month- yet Derrick is very impatient, so he set up a 4D ultrasound so we found out that we are having a baby girl! after about 45 mins she finally showed us that she was a girl- she is just like her parents! STUBBORN! The 4D images were not my favorite- but I do like the ones with her little hands showing!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Babies, Babies, Babies
I have noticed something...Young Mom's Blog... now that I'm on my way to Mommyhood I am wondering if I too will fall into the category of the Mommy-bloggers. I can't seem to find the time now to even log onto my computer to check my personal e-mails or to paint my much needed toes, let alone post things about the status of my growing baby and how their little arms and legs look like the michelin man. I love my baby already so much- Derrick already is such a proud Daddy. I am thrilled to have the support from both of our families. I would love to say that I am going to keep my "online journal" for my child so they know about everything during their growing years- but I am thinking realistically here- Where do mom's find the time between diaper changes, feedings, clothes changes, diaper changes, baths, more diaper changes, keeping the house clean, and work? I'm sure my perspective will change during this pregnancy- right now all I can thing about is getting all of the baby stuff ready while I'm still not waddling- and picking out baby names- and making sure the house is baby-proof (even though I know it will be well over a year before the baby can even get into anything). As for baby names- I cannot wait until we find out the gender of the baby so we can stop calling it Fe Fe (the fetus)! but then that also opens a whole can of worms- do we tell people what we are having, do we decide on a name or wait to see what the baby looks at- who will be right...Derrick (thinking its a girl) or me (boy)? and what we are going to have to teach our child about saftey and growing up in the world-but not of the world? Teaching our innocent child that there are bad people out there- but also to see the good in those that are different. Alot of emotions and questions keep coming up- I think its just pregnancy Annika coming out- This blog no longer is about Mommy-bloggers but about crazy pregnancy rants.
9 weeks down 31 more to go
9 weeks down 31 more to go
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