So I was home alone yesterday scrubbing carpets when I saw my high chairs sitting up against the counter...and I got this picture in my with my little girl decorating cookies like I did with my mom (well up until I moved out and Ruby and Scarlett took over...) I dug out my cook books and found my moms sugar cookie recipe and went to work, I had trouble with the recipe so I had to call the expert and get help! The whole time I was making them I was smiling! I can't wait until my little girl is big enough to stand on a chair and help me cut out and frost cookies, it is a small little thing, but it is something I am THRILLED about doing! I was always....ok still am my mom's third thigh- and I hope to have the same relationship with my daughter as I do with my mom! So here are some pictures minus my little girl in tow of our cookies we made for Daddy Derrick! I hope that I am able to pass onto my daughter all of the wonderful traits my mom has passed onto me! Even if it celebrating silly holidays such as Jack Frost and Ned the Elf! I know Derrick won't understand the crazy little things like that, but its good to know my mom has given me a little bit of her holiday crazy traditions- Layered Jello must be at Thanksgiving, Valentines Day needs sugar cookies, birthday's must have a homemade cake, and Halloween is to be celebrated to its fullest extent EVERY year! Thank you mom for passing these onto me! I cannot wait to do all of this with my daughter and show her how awesome it is to enjoy the small things in licking the frosting off of a spoon!