So ever since I was little I wanted to be just like my sister Amanda Panda Bear. She was funny, she wanted to be the Jazz Bear, She always had the coolest clothes/hair, the best friends, and well I wrote a book about her in 5th grade after we did a really cool dance to the song Celopatra Comin' Attcha. This past week of pregnancy Derrick has found it scary how much I am now like my sister. After 3 hospital visits, mulitple IV's of anitbiotics/ Zofran (my best friend!) they find out that I do not have Kidney Failure or any sort of Kidney infection. I have the Amanda disease of Gal Stones. Amanda found out about hers when she was pregnant with Baby A. And I find out about mine when I'm pregnant with Baby Z. Yup...we are too much alike my sister and I. We are the only people in our family to be pregnant at the same time, My Aunt Cid and my mom never were, and I secretly think that our babies have some evil plan going on to keep us together in ways we don't really want the other to ever have to go through! Hopefully I'll be able to have my baby girl any day now- and then off to surgery for me. At least now I have a reason to be in this mysterious pain and now the Dr's can tell I'm not just "making up the pain" or "trying to get attention". So Amanda you are correct- I did have gal stones...not kidney ones...too bad I can't do anything until baby Z is here though!