Thursday, December 2, 2010
i don't know what to do with curls...
My little girl has such curly hair...and having stick straight hair i don't know what to do with it- so usually she looks like a little monster with her hair sticking up everywhere sporting a very nice mohawk!

So since Nov 12th a lot of things have changed, after going to the hospital 4 times, they finally let me have the baby! I had a horrible experience with the hospital nurses and the Dr they assigned to Zoe was an idiot. But besides that it wasn't my last time at the hospital for the Lueras! My dad couldn't wait to see the baby until December so he and my mom surprised us and drove down to see us in the hospital! My dad left my mom down in Sin City to help out for a little while (little did she know that it was going to be weeks that she stayed to help us out...and SO THANKFUL for that!) So because I had gallstones the Dr's had to recheck my levels before letting me leave the hospital- I asked one of them finally because they said my levels were high (not knowing what my levels were or what normal was) what they were (and because uncle mitch wanted to know to make sure I was ok) apparently normal is in the 50s...mine 430! and another was in the 180s...after I had little Z they were in the 80s so at least I was able to go home before I had to go back...So a week later back to the hospital for our same day surgery we went- I was worried about it, having just had a baby you start to think the worst! I went into surgery telling one of the two Teng brothers (both the Dr and the Aneisteiologest were named Dr Teng) that I was sorry if I said anything too stupid, that I might just keep talking and talking (Amanda said something similar to Uncle Mitch) well I fell asleep shortly after and woke up with a tube down my throat I started coughing thinking why in the Hell is this down my throat don't they know I'm alive?!?! they removed it shortly after i started gagging and all I hear is the Dr say she is getting admitted until 2300 having it be 830 at night when it all started I was thinking ok thats just for the observations then I'll be home with my baby! shortly after Derrick comes in and says so did the dr talk to you? I said he said I was getting admitted and everyone keeps telling me its because of the stones- but didn't I just have surgery to get rid of them? Derrick pulls out X-rays and pictures and goes you have to have another surgery tomorrow. See this is your gallbladder its full of stones- see this? its your GI track, you have gallstones stuck in there so they have to go in and clean them all out. GREAT! another night at the hospital and my baby was at home with my mom...I had been given 10 different IV's in the last two weeks and I was sick of them and the hospitals! Well I wasn't able to eat anything before the first surgery and where they didn't know when the second one would be I wasn't allowed to eat anything after it- I was allowed to drink water for 30 mins and then nothing...I wanted to scream I just wanted to drink some Damn water! haha oh well- the next morning another Dr showed up he was going to do the 2nd surgery and wanted it done by noon. So down we go to the operating rooms again- this time I was determined to be home by 4 at the latest! haha yeah right! at least we made it home by ten! As I was getting put under I hear the Dr doing the procedure freaking out at an operating room tech and was dropping the Mother F'ing bomb like noones business- I almost told the guy putting me out that I wanted a different Dr because this guy couldn't control himself! But I was already on my way out and didn't hear anything else...I woke up this time with NO tube down my throat and apparently this time no stones or fragments of stones! I was free at last to recover and then get home!!! I am like my sister a little too much...but apparently this time I thought I needed to one up her and spend an extra night and surgery in the hospital! NEVER AGAIN!! anyway...more pictures of the baby will be up soon!
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