Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tasty Tuesday

First off Amanda...what about pudding powder? I was trying to figure out what is was over the weekend when we were making our apples


Get 2 cans of pie filling put it in the bottom of a pan
Get any box of cake mix, (with apple pie filling spice cake is wonderful)
pour the dry mix over the filling and smooth over the top-
put slivers of butter evenly over the cake mix-
put the pan into the oven at 350 for 30 mins

and because i slacked last week this is another one of my favorites but i'm not going to post the whole thing just a link to it!


1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I LOVE this cake/cobbler or whatever everyone else calls it! Yum!

I am kinda bummed I am not the slutty relative. I was hoping I had a little bit of rebble in me. Darn. Maybe I am going to show a bit more cleavage the next time I see you just to make myself feel better. :):)