Thursday, May 1, 2008

change stealing crossing guard...

so work is not very eventful at times, we have people that come in on a daily basis and we know their names...or we have nick-names for them...

Tuna Travis- he comes in frequently and gets a tuna on white bread and no veggies- he seems like a cool kid and everyone at the bakery loves to tease me about him...

Dave- eww this man is GROSS! he is missing one leg and is so fat that he rides in his jazzy and well when he comes in i swear he is undressing you with his eyes...noone likes pervy Dave...

Brian- the nice guy with the lisp who gets sandwiches every once in a while...

The old lady aka tooties roll lady aka missionary lady aka smelly old lady- this is an old lady who comes in every friday to pick up day old bread for the missionaries, she smells horrible (wears WAY too much perfume) and always trys stealing bread from us- one week one of the employees saw her on the street corner giving out free bread to anyone who walked by- she always comes in and throws tootsie rolls at us...or if any guys are working she will walk up to them and try sticking them in their pockets- noone likes the old hag and I had the pleasure of last friday yelling at her! yes I did yell at her and it felt wonderful to yell at the old lady- everyone else runs to the back when she comes and they make me talk to her and i was sick and she kept touching the bread on the bread board and I was ticked! I didn't even get in trouble for yelling at her because noone likes her...

the creepy post office man- he used to only come in when the other Annie was working...and when he comes in all he does is get a bunch of pumpkin bread and stare at your chest...well once i started working at nights he switched the day that he comes in thursday nights sure enough is when he loads up on his freakin pumpkin bread and just stares away...

my new favorite person is this bigger old guy...we call him change stealing man aka the cross walk guy- he comes in all the time, he has these bushy bushy eyebrows, wears his stylish bright yellow crossing-guard vest, and all he does is comes in and gets a free slice of bread- and then he pretends to look around for a little while until we walk away from the breadboard...and then he walks over to our penny jar and steals all of the change out of it...he does it so obviously yet he won't do it right in front of us- today he waited until i had my back to the door i was standing not two feet away from it...seriously who steals the change from the penny jar of an establishment every single day?! I was the first one to notice it and we all get laughing every time he comes in...

sorry for the random-ness of this I just had to share about the weird-os learking around here...

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