Tuesday, July 27, 2010

1st "high risk" dr's appointment over

So today we got done with our first appointment with the "high risk" specialist. Everything went well on the ultrasound, the ultrasound tech said that the cervix was find and the correct length (the dr verified this with us as well). We have to go back in two weeks in order to double check everything. He did say that there was some excess fluid and that might mean diabetes (I get tested on the 10th for that) and the same day go back to the "high risk" dr. I say "high risk" in "quotes" because I don't like to think of my pregnancy being "risky" and it just makes me feel better putting it in quotes. Derrick did notice on the form though that they also were checking for clubbed feet on our little girl (no dr has even mentioned this to us- the one today didn't say anything or our normal ob) it is a little frustrating that this might be a risk for our little girl and we aren't being told by our dr's if it is a possibility we want to know so that we can prepare for it! We want to be educated parents and we don't want to seem like we are crazy- but we do want to know that if there is a possibility of her having to have major surgery (or casts) right after she is born that we have the right to know this and be aware. Anyway, that is my ranting on going to the dr's yet again! at least two more visits with the "high risk"-ness!


Amanda Jane said...

I can't find my phone. It may be dead. I'm glad things went well. You should have just asked about the feet, just for peace of mind. You could even still call them. She's probably fine or they would have most likely said something.

BTW- I love that you are blogging again.

Amanda Jane said...

I like your new backdrop too.