Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Barbie Kennedy

So today is my favorite person in the whole worlds birthday!

She goes by many names...
Barbie Kennedy
Amanda Jane
Amanda Albrecht and the nasty teddy bears
President of Club Amanda
Amanda Panda Bear
the bear in Annie's Bears bows

so even though I was never allowed a membership into Club Amanda I guess I still can forgive her and wish her a Happy Birthday!

My favorite sister is moving across the universe tomorrow...I don't know how I feel about this! ok I KNOW how I feel about this- but I was the first one to move away so I guess I'll just have to save up so I can visit one of the best Zoo's in the world!

I love you Amanda- I hope you have had a wonderful birthday! You are going to have such an adventure in Omaha- and you better not forget about your first Niece! remember she and Adam are best buds already!

love you!
-little sister Annie

1 comment:

Amanda Jane said...

Oh you're the best little sister. I love you, but it's true you started it all (stupid moving to Vegas and all.)