This is my late fathers day post for the two amazing "Dad's" in my life. My poor husband has some big shoes to fill when it comes to my expectations for a dad for my daughter. You see my own dad sacrificed so much for us kids to make sure that we knew our dad and he knew us. (He changed careers so he could see us kids more, he missed work meetings to make sure he didn't miss a single birthday, he would be at every soccer game/swimming meet/mother's day program) Yes, my dad is amazing! My dad was diagnosed with cancer in May of this year. This fathers day was kinda difficult for me, for more than one reason. I know life is very delicate, and it is a gift to be here every day. I know that I am loved by my own father as I am the father of my own child. I will never forget something my dad said to me about a week after he was diagnosed, (side note, while my dad was getting tested to find out if he had cancer, I too was getting blood drawn weekly to make sure that I didn't have cancer- None of us kids knew that he was getting tested.) He was driving me to work and goes "Annika, I just prayed as you were getting all of your blood work done, that if one of us had to have cancer it was me not you. I have lived a good life, I have done so much in my life, I have seen my kids grow up and experienced things that most people don't get to do in a lifetime, and I have done it already. You are young and need to see your daughter grow up." This is always how my dad has been, making sure his kids come first. (after my mom and his religion). Poor Derrick had some BIG shoes to fill in my mind. But I knew that he could do it!

these two pictures are my favorite of me and my dad from my wedding day! "Daddy/Daughter Dance" we are really good dancers!
The second dad in my life is my husband Derrick. He has been the most amazing dad and husband anyone could ever ask for. He has overcome so much in his life, and he has kept his daughter the center of his life even before she was born. You see Derrick's biggest dream in life is to be a good dad...and guess what?! He has been an AMAZING DAD! Zo is just like her Daddy, she looks just like him, she is stubborn just like him, she laughs like him, and she LOVES superhero's just like him. I love that my daughter at 18 months old looks up to her daddy as her role model. (I call Derrick, "D" most of the time, if she wants to get his attention now she yells "D" and it just makes me laugh) I love that my husband cares enough to make sure to give his little girl kisses every night before she goes to bed. That when I am too tired to get up he doesn't complain he just gets up with her and comforts his daughter. I love that my husband is man enough to change a poopy diaper! I love that he gets her to smile when noone else can. I love that he is the daddy that dances in the car and sings REALLY loud to get his girls to laugh and dance/sing with him. Derrick has had to deal with a LOT this year, with my medical problems, to a miscarriage, to a broken arm, to having to comfort me when I just can't take it anymore. and he does this all with a smile on his face, he is my other half, my stronger half, he is the father of my children, he is my everything. I am not trying to make this mushy gushy, but I do want him to know that I am proud of him. I am proud to call him my partner in crime! D has been an incredible example to me on how a parent should be. Derrick has had to do so much for me these past few months and I know it hasn't been easy. But he has been the dad that has outgrown the shoes I thought he should fill- I love you Derrick, Happy Father's Day!

My Favorite Pict!
You guys are just really cute and so neat. My favorite photo of Derrick and Zoe is the one on the chairs where they have the same expression. Makes me smile!
Great Post Annie :) Love you
Thanks for posting this. It got me a little teary eyed. We sure love you guys.
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