Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Brownie Batter

I did eat this with raw egg in it...yes horrible I know- If I were to do it again and eat it as batter I would substitute the egg whites with apple sauce.

1 RIPE avocado
¾ cup Truvia
6 tbsp agave (light)
¼ cup milk chocolate MusclePharm Combat Powder
1 cup Hershey's Cocoa (100% Special Dark)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
¾ cup coconut flour
¾ cup Arnold Whey Protein (MusclePharm) Chocolate
4 large egg whites (3/4 cup 100% egg whites)***
Blend together!
*** If eating as batter, put 3/4 cup apple sauce in place of egg whites so it is safe to eat! (unless you don't care!)

If baking:
350 for 15 mins
Top with peanut butter and bananas or whatever your heart desires! 

This is a VERY dark chocolate recipe, I've grown to love dark chocolate- and this batter is the best right after you've mixed it all together! 

It makes 4 dozen bites!
43 calories, 9 grams carbs, 1 gram fat, 2 gram protein, 60 mg sodium, 2 mg sugar 

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