Sunday, September 30, 2007
are you allowed to say bong at church?
So today I was up in Alpine going to church with my mom- it was testimony meeting today and you know how there are those people in the ward who get up every fast sunday and just go off and talk about nothing? Yeah well this man today is one of those guys...good old crazy Chuck...ok well he gets up and starts talking about family- which you think will be pretty normal...but no- he goes my youngest son did drugs he was messed up some days he would wake up and not even notice he still had a bong in his mouth! (I was so shocked i just started laughing, i had to leave the meeting because i was laughing so hard in fact!) not only did he say that...but then he decided to go on about the bong, he goes a bong is a glass apperatus that assists in making a person high, with marijuna! really who says stuff like that at church?! I couldn't believe it and then it made me think about other crazy things that have happened at our ward- the family where the mom said her husband liked full body massages, or their daughter who loved killing snakes with a shovel and then felt bad so she gave it a funeral- really some people when they get in front of the microphone should just say nothing at all! I was just wondering if anyone else had crazies in their ward- I know Amanda had a good one in her old ward in American Fork but I couldn't remember the stories!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
i love being so athletic!
So I need to put pictures up so that Jillie and Amanda can see what they helped create...we (Amanda) decided after the fact that i need to wear a gold medal next time and my retainer! This was for a school dance (an ESPN themed dance) time I'm not going to wear the sweats! and yes I did have my roommate cut my hair just for the dance! Thanks for ideas Jillie and Amanda!
Monday, September 17, 2007
the good, the bad, and the ugly of summer 2007
OK so I saw Amanda had done a summer re-cap so I feel as though I need to copy her (like always) and do the same!
The good:
I moved twice (once in the same house) but I no longer live in the gross part of cedar city, i live in a house and i no longer have room-roommates...I have my own room again and it is wonderful! I got some schooling done and am now almost a junior after only a year down at school! I chopped off all my hair

(This may need to go into the bad or ugly section I'm not sure yet- but i did a good deed and donated it so that I guess was good!)

I went on my second Skydiving trip and next time will be able to go by myself! at the end of summer I finally got a job! My best friend growing up Jenny came down to visit me!
The bad:
My best friend growing up got married and left me all alone-
I still love you Jenny but man you sold me out and got married on me! i thought you would be the one to stick it out with me and not get married until after college! I went to Nevada with a felon. I broke my nose wakeboaring and had a bump on my nose/ two black eyes. I was trapped down in Cedar City for a couple of weeks because there was a huge fire on both sides of us. I was bored outta my mind and could not find a job anywhere in Cedar City- I was turned down for jobs that monkeys could do but I wasn't able to get the job! I had some choice friends who decided to be really awesome and treat me wonderfully! and I broke my camera at Lagoon with Jaclyn in July so I didn't have a camera for most of the summer!
The ugly:
So i can think of one really ugly thing from the summer- it was right before school started-I had my arm blow up if you can picture this...Elphantitis of the entire right arm- spot on leg, and upper left arm! I was Quazimoto woman and it was horrible! (apparently it is weird to drive yourself to the ER) I didn't get any pictures of my arm/hands but i do have my hospital bracelet and it can go up past my elbows...well I was put on medicine and the swelling went down (after being rushed into the ER after 15 hrs of the swelling-oh i was bite by bugs thats why i looked way weird- being there and put on an IV...great story altogether!) well I went home that weekend and I was on the tramp with Arah and Shawn watching a meteor shower when I got bite on the nose by another stupid bug! so my nose/face swelled up! I now had Quazimoto face quite attractive having to go into work looking like a stupid handicapped oompa loompa with a bad eye! I was not happy about that!
that was my summer in a nut shell...i just learned or am trying to learn how to put pictures we'll see if it actually worked!
The good:
I moved twice (once in the same house) but I no longer live in the gross part of cedar city, i live in a house and i no longer have room-roommates...I have my own room again and it is wonderful! I got some schooling done and am now almost a junior after only a year down at school! I chopped off all my hair
(This may need to go into the bad or ugly section I'm not sure yet- but i did a good deed and donated it so that I guess was good!)
I went on my second Skydiving trip and next time will be able to go by myself! at the end of summer I finally got a job! My best friend growing up Jenny came down to visit me!
The bad:
My best friend growing up got married and left me all alone-
I still love you Jenny but man you sold me out and got married on me! i thought you would be the one to stick it out with me and not get married until after college! I went to Nevada with a felon. I broke my nose wakeboaring and had a bump on my nose/ two black eyes. I was trapped down in Cedar City for a couple of weeks because there was a huge fire on both sides of us. I was bored outta my mind and could not find a job anywhere in Cedar City- I was turned down for jobs that monkeys could do but I wasn't able to get the job! I had some choice friends who decided to be really awesome and treat me wonderfully! and I broke my camera at Lagoon with Jaclyn in July so I didn't have a camera for most of the summer!
The ugly:
So i can think of one really ugly thing from the summer- it was right before school started-I had my arm blow up if you can picture this...Elphantitis of the entire right arm- spot on leg, and upper left arm! I was Quazimoto woman and it was horrible! (apparently it is weird to drive yourself to the ER) I didn't get any pictures of my arm/hands but i do have my hospital bracelet and it can go up past my elbows...well I was put on medicine and the swelling went down (after being rushed into the ER after 15 hrs of the swelling-oh i was bite by bugs thats why i looked way weird- being there and put on an IV...great story altogether!) well I went home that weekend and I was on the tramp with Arah and Shawn watching a meteor shower when I got bite on the nose by another stupid bug! so my nose/face swelled up! I now had Quazimoto face quite attractive having to go into work looking like a stupid handicapped oompa loompa with a bad eye! I was not happy about that!
that was my summer in a nut shell...i just learned or am trying to learn how to put pictures we'll see if it actually worked!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
so this past year I went with my two roommates down to vegas to get tattoos- they were very dumb tattoos but I have found one that tops theirs....a man in my ASL class has tattoos all over his arms and up his neck- then I noticed he had them on his head as well (his hair has grown out a little since the first day of class so you can't see it as well) well today I finally saw the guys face- he had tattooed down his face tears....why in the world would you get a tattoo on your face!? I wanted to laugh in his face but apparently that is not the nicest thing to do to people- when I saw this tattoo it reminded me of the story Zach told me about going to Lagoon and the lady who had an Ad tattooed on her face for some money (I believe it was a very small amount of money like $1,000 or something like that) Why would you tattoo an Ad on your face? come on think about's there forever and you look retarded!
Today at work we discussed Tattoos and my boss said before any of us get tattoos we have to take his one hour class on tattoos- which actually is 4 hours long and we will be going to a gym or a pool...just to prove to us how horrible tattoos are- I really love work we can just joke around and have fun pretty much the entire time! anyhoo that is my thoughts on tattoos...
oh and if i were to get a tattoo i'd get a tattoo on the bottom of my foot and it'd be of a bruise...what would yours be?
Today at work we discussed Tattoos and my boss said before any of us get tattoos we have to take his one hour class on tattoos- which actually is 4 hours long and we will be going to a gym or a pool...just to prove to us how horrible tattoos are- I really love work we can just joke around and have fun pretty much the entire time! anyhoo that is my thoughts on tattoos...
oh and if i were to get a tattoo i'd get a tattoo on the bottom of my foot and it'd be of a bruise...what would yours be?
Sunday, September 9, 2007
update on all of old does a horse have to be before it turns into a bull?
So i have been getting in trouble because i have not updated this thing in quite some time...first off in my life...
I'm in my second year at SUU (I'm a sophomore almost junior i need to clarify that because i'm not going to be like my old roommate who is a third year returning freshman!) and i actually am enjoying it this time around i have my own room which has been designated the green room (everything in my room is pretty much green) so i live in the green room of the arby's house- I live directly behind Arby's which is fine...EXCEPT for the fact that every morning around 4:30 or 5 the garbage monster (truck) decides to come out and wake me up! I do not smell like roast beef sandwhiches or curly fries much to Amandas dismay living in the Arby's house. I have switched my major from Biology pre-med to undecided...I am not undecided it is just I had to put that in order to get out of the freakin science department! I have now decided I want to go into Social Work- the problem is they do not have a bacholors of Social Work at SUU anymore so I'll either have to go into Criminal Justice or Psychology or transfer schools after I get my associates degree...I could also go into Sociology but after my Maymester from hell I don't think sociology was "my thing". As of right now I really think I'll go the Criminal Justice route becasue I really don't want to have to move all of my stuff and I have made some pretty decent friends down here (Amanda we won't go into the fact that I know I have made some (one who tries to make my life a living hell) really crappy friends too we will skip over that fact for the time being!) It would be quite interesting if I actually were to go into Criminal Justice and go into social work that would kinda run in the family...well the Stowe side of the family doing criminal justice-
well that is my update on school...
As for work I am working at Great Harvest Bread Co. I love it...I have been working there a little over a month now and it really is so much fun...usually I just give out free slices of bread to people (I was super ticked when I thought I hadn't gotten the job because heck who can't give out free bread to people) well the past week I learned how to do sandwhiches and well needless to say I'm not very fast at making them...I have countless times put my hand on the Pannini grill or touched the steamer...yes i know it isn't very bright but i apparently keep forgetting that those things are hot!
I went to an institute class for the first roommate made me go with her...yeah she went to preparing for eternal marriage...i couldn't let myself take that class! I went the one time and that was more than enough for I switched to Mission Prep (that class actually could apply to me at this point in my life- i really wish girls didn't have to wait until they are 21 to go- why can't we go when we are 19 too?)
Oh I figured out this week what I really want to do! I decided skydiving isn't dangerous enough- I want to ride a bull! Pretty much every person in Cedar City, UT is a total red neck, hick, or cowboy (yes there is a difference between all three)
Red Neck: Loves Nascar wants to move back to Overton, NV and own a mechanics shop...
Hick: drunk cowboys
Cowboy: The guy who does rodeos
so being around them has started to rub off on me- I guess it isn't too bad and I bet my dad will be happy that I'm around all these cowboys he likes to tell me I'd be a lucky girl to marry a cowboy...i think he just wants an excuse to get a horse sometimes...well I went to two rodeos this week and well I decided the first night I was there that I want to ride bulls- I don't know how much my parents will approve of it- but heck they didn't have too much of a choice in my skydiving so I figure this is just the next step in getting an adrenaline rush- I told my friend Susie this but then I also had to tell her I've never actually rode a she said I had to ride a horse before she would let me ride a bull- I guess up in Bryce Canyon there is a place you can go and ride a Jr. Bull or something like that and so I'd do that instead of a full on big mean killing machine bull!
Well at this point I am just rambling and so I better stop I hope everyone is doing well- I will be able to update this more often now that we have internet at the Arby's house!
I'm in my second year at SUU (I'm a sophomore almost junior i need to clarify that because i'm not going to be like my old roommate who is a third year returning freshman!) and i actually am enjoying it this time around i have my own room which has been designated the green room (everything in my room is pretty much green) so i live in the green room of the arby's house- I live directly behind Arby's which is fine...EXCEPT for the fact that every morning around 4:30 or 5 the garbage monster (truck) decides to come out and wake me up! I do not smell like roast beef sandwhiches or curly fries much to Amandas dismay living in the Arby's house. I have switched my major from Biology pre-med to undecided...I am not undecided it is just I had to put that in order to get out of the freakin science department! I have now decided I want to go into Social Work- the problem is they do not have a bacholors of Social Work at SUU anymore so I'll either have to go into Criminal Justice or Psychology or transfer schools after I get my associates degree...I could also go into Sociology but after my Maymester from hell I don't think sociology was "my thing". As of right now I really think I'll go the Criminal Justice route becasue I really don't want to have to move all of my stuff and I have made some pretty decent friends down here (Amanda we won't go into the fact that I know I have made some (one who tries to make my life a living hell) really crappy friends too we will skip over that fact for the time being!) It would be quite interesting if I actually were to go into Criminal Justice and go into social work that would kinda run in the family...well the Stowe side of the family doing criminal justice-
well that is my update on school...
As for work I am working at Great Harvest Bread Co. I love it...I have been working there a little over a month now and it really is so much fun...usually I just give out free slices of bread to people (I was super ticked when I thought I hadn't gotten the job because heck who can't give out free bread to people) well the past week I learned how to do sandwhiches and well needless to say I'm not very fast at making them...I have countless times put my hand on the Pannini grill or touched the steamer...yes i know it isn't very bright but i apparently keep forgetting that those things are hot!
I went to an institute class for the first roommate made me go with her...yeah she went to preparing for eternal marriage...i couldn't let myself take that class! I went the one time and that was more than enough for I switched to Mission Prep (that class actually could apply to me at this point in my life- i really wish girls didn't have to wait until they are 21 to go- why can't we go when we are 19 too?)
Oh I figured out this week what I really want to do! I decided skydiving isn't dangerous enough- I want to ride a bull! Pretty much every person in Cedar City, UT is a total red neck, hick, or cowboy (yes there is a difference between all three)
Red Neck: Loves Nascar wants to move back to Overton, NV and own a mechanics shop...
Hick: drunk cowboys
Cowboy: The guy who does rodeos
so being around them has started to rub off on me- I guess it isn't too bad and I bet my dad will be happy that I'm around all these cowboys he likes to tell me I'd be a lucky girl to marry a cowboy...i think he just wants an excuse to get a horse sometimes...well I went to two rodeos this week and well I decided the first night I was there that I want to ride bulls- I don't know how much my parents will approve of it- but heck they didn't have too much of a choice in my skydiving so I figure this is just the next step in getting an adrenaline rush- I told my friend Susie this but then I also had to tell her I've never actually rode a she said I had to ride a horse before she would let me ride a bull- I guess up in Bryce Canyon there is a place you can go and ride a Jr. Bull or something like that and so I'd do that instead of a full on big mean killing machine bull!
Well at this point I am just rambling and so I better stop I hope everyone is doing well- I will be able to update this more often now that we have internet at the Arby's house!
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