Sunday, September 30, 2007

are you allowed to say bong at church?

So today I was up in Alpine going to church with my mom- it was testimony meeting today and you know how there are those people in the ward who get up every fast sunday and just go off and talk about nothing? Yeah well this man today is one of those guys...good old crazy Chuck...ok well he gets up and starts talking about family- which you think will be pretty normal...but no- he goes my youngest son did drugs he was messed up some days he would wake up and not even notice he still had a bong in his mouth! (I was so shocked i just started laughing, i had to leave the meeting because i was laughing so hard in fact!) not only did he say that...but then he decided to go on about the bong, he goes a bong is a glass apperatus that assists in making a person high, with marijuna! really who says stuff like that at church?! I couldn't believe it and then it made me think about other crazy things that have happened at our ward- the family where the mom said her husband liked full body massages, or their daughter who loved killing snakes with a shovel and then felt bad so she gave it a funeral- really some people when they get in front of the microphone should just say nothing at all! I was just wondering if anyone else had crazies in their ward- I know Amanda had a good one in her old ward in American Fork but I couldn't remember the stories!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pink hair color! Seriously, it is so high fashion! I need you to email me your address so you can be on my blog. Have fun in school. love you- lindsay