The good:
I moved twice (once in the same house) but I no longer live in the gross part of cedar city, i live in a house and i no longer have room-roommates...I have my own room again and it is wonderful! I got some schooling done and am now almost a junior after only a year down at school! I chopped off all my hair
(This may need to go into the bad or ugly section I'm not sure yet- but i did a good deed and donated it so that I guess was good!)
I went on my second Skydiving trip and next time will be able to go by myself! at the end of summer I finally got a job! My best friend growing up Jenny came down to visit me!
The bad:
My best friend growing up got married and left me all alone-
I still love you Jenny but man you sold me out and got married on me! i thought you would be the one to stick it out with me and not get married until after college! I went to Nevada with a felon. I broke my nose wakeboaring and had a bump on my nose/ two black eyes. I was trapped down in Cedar City for a couple of weeks because there was a huge fire on both sides of us. I was bored outta my mind and could not find a job anywhere in Cedar City- I was turned down for jobs that monkeys could do but I wasn't able to get the job! I had some choice friends who decided to be really awesome and treat me wonderfully! and I broke my camera at Lagoon with Jaclyn in July so I didn't have a camera for most of the summer!
The ugly:
So i can think of one really ugly thing from the summer- it was right before school started-I had my arm blow up if you can picture this...Elphantitis of the entire right arm- spot on leg, and upper left arm! I was Quazimoto woman and it was horrible! (apparently it is weird to drive yourself to the ER) I didn't get any pictures of my arm/hands but i do have my hospital bracelet and it can go up past my elbows...well I was put on medicine and the swelling went down (after being rushed into the ER after 15 hrs of the swelling-oh i was bite by bugs thats why i looked way weird- being there and put on an IV...great story altogether!) well I went home that weekend and I was on the tramp with Arah and Shawn watching a meteor shower when I got bite on the nose by another stupid bug! so my nose/face swelled up! I now had Quazimoto face quite attractive having to go into work looking like a stupid handicapped oompa loompa with a bad eye! I was not happy about that!
that was my summer in a nut shell...i just learned or am trying to learn how to put pictures we'll see if it actually worked!
i forgot to mention I was not jenny's bridesmaid- her other best friend and I just happened to wear the same dress to her wedding brunch!
I thought that you were a bridesmaid and I thought, wow those are really cute dresses! So either way you are a hotty! I wish my hair grew like yours. I would be ruppenzle (I have no idea how to spell her name) for Halloween!
I am sorry you had a lot of bad stuff this summer. That really stinks about your quazimoto bug bites. I have the exact same problem. A small bite to others is a HUGE baseball size mass on my arm! I am constantly getting eaten alive here. I heart bug repellant! :)
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