here you go Chelsea!!!
A...attached or single: as far as i know...single!
B... best friend: Amanda Jane! (at school it was Kira...but she is in Louisiana)
C... cake or pie: Pink and Blue swirl cake
D... day of choice: Tuesdays
E... essential item: underroos
F... favorite color: Kelly Green! (crayon green)
G... gummy bears or worms: bears, you can bite off their heads so they don't feel the pain, and worms you can't tell which end is the head.
H... hometown: Alpine, i would say "A-town"...but then it sounds like i'm naming it after myself
I... indulgence(s): ice and wint-o-green lifesavers
J ...January or July: January, it means May is close!
K... kids? i have too many to count...i my girlies Ruby and Scarlett count?
L... life is incomplete without: the fam damily
M... marriage date: January 1, 2008...i mean...ummm...dang it!
N ...number of siblings: 2 brothers and 1 sisters
O... oranges or apples: juice?
P ...phobias or fears: crickets, and the dark
Q... quotes: "Fransisco...Frrrrrrannnnnssssisco....Franssssssssiiiiiisssssccccccoooo....I like it"
R... reason to smile: Snow, having a job, not having to worry about getting kidnapped or beat up becasue of some election (kids in Kenya) too many to count
S ...season: Spring I love the rain!
T... tag three friends: whoever wants to
U ...unknown fact about me: i HATE the centers of cin. rolls
V ...very favorite store: anything but walmart- today the man there told me we don't carry windshield scrapers WTF? it is Cedar City in the winter and no snow scraper?!W... worst habit: biting my fingernails when i'm nervous
X... x-ray or ultrasound: most recently was friday nights ultrasound...and it was not fun getting pumped with fluids until it felt like my bladder was going to explode so they could do the ultrasound, and i don't know how smart it was just me and the guy doing the ultra sound on that entire side of the hospital...creepy just a little bit!
Y... your favorite food: pasta and chicken
Z... zodiac: Taraus