Tuesday, September 11, 2007


so this past year I went with my two roommates down to vegas to get tattoos- they were very dumb tattoos but I have found one that tops theirs....a man in my ASL class has tattoos all over his arms and up his neck- then I noticed he had them on his head as well (his hair has grown out a little since the first day of class so you can't see it as well) well today I finally saw the guys face- he had tattooed down his face tears....why in the world would you get a tattoo on your face!? I wanted to laugh in his face but apparently that is not the nicest thing to do to people- when I saw this tattoo it reminded me of the story Zach told me about going to Lagoon and the lady who had an Ad tattooed on her face for some money (I believe it was a very small amount of money like $1,000 or something like that) Why would you tattoo an Ad on your face? come on think about it...it's there forever and you look retarded!
Today at work we discussed Tattoos and my boss said before any of us get tattoos we have to take his one hour class on tattoos- which actually is 4 hours long and we will be going to a gym or a pool...just to prove to us how horrible tattoos are- I really love work we can just joke around and have fun pretty much the entire time! anyhoo that is my thoughts on tattoos...
oh and if i were to get a tattoo i'd get a tattoo on the bottom of my foot and it'd be of a bruise...what would yours be?


Chelsea said...

Ah, tattoos. I love them. But I was afraid of my dad and didn't get any! I would have gotten a handicap sign and a boy and girl figure (you know the one's on the bathroom door) Classy choices I know!
A bruise for you, huh?! NICE!

If I remember my highschool days clearly...tear drops were if you killed someone. I'm pretty sure. I will call Cody later to varify! So until I get back to you...be careful. Don't laugh in his face. We don't need anymore tear drops added to his stream.

Amanda Jane said...

The only one I'm still sure of is the little slice of pizza on my wrist. The more I watch LA Ink the more I want tattoo! If it weren't for the hole no extra earings and tattoo's thing. I think I'd def. have some. Or just the pizza slice.

The funniest ones I've "seen" were mostly one's Whitney saw at work- Ronald McDonald with a chainsaw being my favorite, oh and I saw somebody with the Wal-Mart smiley face wearing a Santa hat! Seasonal holidays seem like an awful choice to me.

Chelsea said...

So I talked to Cody...and stay away from that kid. It does mean that he's killed someone. Hopefully it was just a frog or an elk or something! :)

Amanda...I know my choices were pretty "out there", but a pizza slice?! I am laughing out loud. (dumb I true wrote the lol out!) ha!
I love Kat VonD! I watch LA Ink every week! Hurray for cable t.v.!!

Anonymous said...

haha i love the man with all the prophets tattooed on his back...along with merlin haha i'd get a barcode...only to see if i could scan myself at the self scanner at target....haha or a peace sign on my foot. tie dyed peace sign...haha :)

Annika Louisiana said...

good to know i will stay away from the boy in my class...yeah i don't really want to be a reason he gets to add more tears to that "lovely" face of his!